The Adoni marRead More
The Adoni market yard located in Kurnool district is the second largest market Yard in Andhra Pradesh. Primarily Cotton, Castor seed, Ground Nut, Sunflower seeds, and Tur are traded in the market Yard. The market yard has implemented eNAM since March 2017 and it is actively encouraging farmers and traders to participate in the platform.
Adoni AMC stood 1st in the country with most bids received for lots i.e., 1cr bids for 11.34 Lakh lots as on 20.01.23. Adoni has been at the forefront in promoting competitive bidding with around 9 bids per lot on an average resulting in better prices for farmers for his/her produce. The market yard has achieved more than 30 bids on an average frequently which is an unique achievement for the e-NAM market yards in the state and in the country achieving true purpose of eNAM at its fullest.
Total Bids Received |
Total e-Traded Lots |
Avg. Bids/Lot |
1,00,03,894 |
11,34,781 |
9 |
The market yard is also providing various support infrastructures for the effective implementation of e-NAM. The market yard has set up assaying lab for testing ground nut, pulses etc. So that the farmer gets right prices for his/her lots and the trader can get the best quality produce. Market yard has price display boards so that the farmers are updated about the prevailing prices and other information pertaining to eNAM reducing the information asymmetry.
The market yard has state of the art CCTV cameras which has contributed to improving its administrative efficiency. eNAM integrated weighing machines are installed in the market, which transfers weighing data directly to the eNAM platform, removing the possibility of manual error or manipulation.
show lessJharkhand State AgriculturaRead More
Jharkhand State Agricultural Marketing Board is taking every step to promote e-NAM in the state and providing multiple facilities at APMC level for the stakeholders of e-NAM, like Digital Weighing Scale, MATT AI-Based Gain Analyzer, storage facilities etc. e-NAM is becoming a user-friendly platform for the FPOs, Farmers and traders in the state. Jharkhand is also promoting inter mandi and interstate trade among the e-NAM traders. Since inception, Jharkhand has successfully done the inter state trade with Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Odisha, Maharashtra, and Jammu & Kashmir.
In recent Apple season, Jharkhand has promoted inter state trade of Apple with Jammu & Kashmir using e-NAM platform. Till date, Jharkhand has traded 3291 Quintal of Apple worth 117 Lakh from Jammu and Kashmir which is highest in the country. Traders of Dhanbad, Ramgarh, Garhwa and Koderma APMCs have purchased Apple from Handwada, Sopore, Anantnag, Parimpora, and Pulwama APMCs of Jammu & Kashmir using e-NAM platform. Traders also used e-NAM online payment option to make their payments directly to farmers.
Jharkhand State Agricultural Marketing Board is very thankful to SFAC for their continuous guidelines and Jammu & Kashmir Board for supporting our traders in licensing process. Jharkhand also thank to Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare Sri Narendra Singh Tomar for appreciating inter state Apple trade between Jharkhand and Jammu & Kashmir.
show lessTelangana Govt. is well known for its farmer friendly policieRead More
Telangana Govt. is well known for its farmer friendly policies and has brought innovative schemes for serving its farmers and uplifting of agriculture sector in the State. Dept. of Agricultural Marketing- Telangana has been successfully implementing e-NAM scheme. The Dept. has taken multiple steps to popularise the scheme as well as efficiently handing the mandi level operations leveraging e-NAM portal; thanks to intelligent guidance of SFAC!
1257 Digital weighing scales and 2 Weigh Bridges in e-NAM mandis of Telangana are integrated to e-NAM portal via blue tooth enabled device of POS Machines to brining accuracy in weighing of commodities. This innovative step of the Dept. has reduced manual intervention and its associated error in entering weighing related data on e-NAM portal, for further use during sale bill generation of the commodities. The intervention is also saving time, cost and brining overall efficiency of trading activities executed via e-NAM.
show lessChilly is an universal spice of India and the Country is the Read More
Chilly is an universal spice of India and the Country is the largest producer of spices in the world. Telangana is considered among Major Red Chilly producing States of the Country. Here the major Chilly growing Districts are- Khammam, Mahabubabad, Gadwal, Suryapet and Warangal. There is good demand for Chilly hybrid varieties like 334 and Teja in international market. For benefits of Chilly farmers and traders in Telangana, and to ensure high standards of quality of Chilly traded in its mandis, the Government has introduced CT Vieu Chilly machines (C-DAC) for Red Chilly Assaying in the 5 e-NAM mandis i.e., Khammam, Warangal, Kesamudram, Hyderabad, and Mahabubabad.
A non-invasive, easy-to-use solution which is ready to interface with e-Auction (eNAM) for rapid analysis of appearance based quality parameters of chilli through the fusion of mechanical, electronics, digital image analysis technologies No manual intervention it can measure parameters of Colour, Pod Length, Broken, Pods without stalks, Foreign Matter, Loose seed, Discolored and Damage and, with sample size of 1 Kg in 5 mins.
The sophisticated machines, having cutting-edge technology, meeting the necessary / specific requirements of buyers in both domestic and export markets, while giving quality based remunerative price to the Chilly farmers of Telangana.
show lessPondicherry (or Puducherry), a French colonial settlement in India until Read More
Pondicherry (or Puducherry), a French colonial settlement in India until 1954, is now a Union Territory (UT) town bounded by the south-eastern Tamil Nadu State. The Union Territory of Puducherry lies in the southern part of the Indian Peninsula. Principal food crops in the UT are rice, maize, ragi and pulses. Cash crops here include oilseeds, sesame, ground nuts and splices chillies.
Thattanchavady APMC- Puducherry received the award from Hon’ble PM of India for "Excellence in Public Administration- 2019”, on civil service day, dated 21st Apr'22. e-NAM is playing a pivotal role in the mandi for bringing transparency in trade, real time price information, more buyers for the local farm produce, along with other benefits to farmers and traders. As on 31'st Mar’22 32840 MT of commodities worth Rs 97.90 Cr is traded in the market. Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Puducherry is continuously working for growth on agriculture in the states. Getting the PM Award recognizing its effort its is a matter of joy for the Dept. lt is a great honour for the Dept. to receive this special award, and the Dept. is thankful to farmers and traders who believe in e-NAM and joined the scheme in its unforgettable journey.
show lessAgriculture, an integral part economic activity of Telangana, decides the directiRead More
Agriculture, an integral part economic activity of Telangana, decides the direction of the State in terms of socio-economic development. Technology has taken over lives in the States and farming is no exception; the State has moved from traditional farming to use of automated methods. Encouraged by the Government’s proactive policies to enable agriculture as a big contributor to GDP of the State, the field of agriculture has shown more promises by the day. Rice is the major food crop and staple food of the state. Other important crops are tobacco, mango, cotton, and sugar cane. Through e-NAM Department of Agricultural Marketing, Telangana is encouraging uniformity in agriculture marketing, removing information asymmetry in the market and encouraging real-time price discovery.
kesamudram APMC – Telangana received the award from Hon’ble PM of India for “Excellence in Public Administration- 2019”, on civil service day, dated 21stApr’22. It is nothing less than an absolute honour for the APMC, that is actively promoting e-NAM in the mandi. As on 31st Mar’22 3.02 LMT of commodities worth Rs 794 Cr traded in the market. Department of Agricultural Marketing, Telanganais grateful for being recognized for its work towards growth of agricultural marketing in the State and it intends to live up to the level of success this award demands.
show lessCotton farmers of TelanganaRead More
Cotton farmers of Telangana are realizing prices never seen before on e-NAM in Khammam market, Telangana. In one of the stances, Mr. Telu Veraiah, from village ‘Gigollapally’, highest price winning cotton Farmer (got Rs 11,125/- per quintal dated 24th Mar’22), was felicitated by Asst. Collector of Khammam dist. in presence of the Chairperson- APMC Khammam and Selection Grade Secretary-APMC Khammam. Mr.Telu Veeraiah sold total 1.96 quintal of Cotton worth Rs.0.22 Lakhs on the day. He regularly trades via e-NAM as he has found the process to be very transparent and quick, and crating competition among traders. On 24th Mar’22 modal price of Rs 11,000/- per quintal cotton realised in the mandi; total 59 cotton lots traded with average bid per lot being ‘2’ on the day.
In another incident, cotton sold at highest price of Rs 12,001/- per quintal on e-NAM at Khammam market on Saturday, 26th March’22. A farmer from Aswraopuram of Kottagudem district in Telangana got this price. Modal price Of Rs 10,500/- per quintal and lowest price of Rs 9,000/- per quintal realised on this day.
show lessTamil Read More
Tamil Nadu is an important Southern States of India having a grand share in National crop production. The major crops sown in Tamil Nadu are Rice, Jowar. Ragi, Bajra, Maize, and Pulses Other crops that are highly cultivated in the regions of Tamil Nadu are Cotton, Sugarcane, Tea, Coffee, and Coconut. In Tamil Nadu 284 Regulated Markets are functioning under 27 Market Committees as per the provisions made in Tamil Nadu Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation) Act 1987 and its Rules 1991
63 Regulated markets in the State are integrated with e-NAM portal, and the Department is progressively working to bring efficiency in end-to-end market operation leveraging the digital technology. Its steady effort has started showing prolific results in multiple fronts. One of the great achievements on e-NAM front is massive e-payment to farmers based e-NAM trade. From 1st April 2017 to 31st
March 2022. total e-payment of Rs 915.94 Crore has been done, for e-NAM trade worth Rs 1330.9 Crore.
Gingee in Villupuram Market Committee in Tamil Nadu is the top performing e NAM market on e-payment; and an e payment to the tune of Rs.241.22 Crore has been done for e-NAM trade worth Rs.344.47 Crore.
e-payment is helping the farmers in multiple ways like ease of receiving money in their bank account, getting into formal banking system and its associated benefits, shortening the time of receiving payment, post their trade, etc.
With this early success, the Department of Agricultural Marketing and Agri Business is expecting more and more no. of farmers to trade in e-NAM and to receive e-payment through e NAM portal in coming days.
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The Rajasthan State Agricultural Marketing Board has Read More
The Rajasthan State Agricultural Marketing Board has devoted itself whole heartily to the development of National Agricultural Market (e-NAM). Like almost all businesses, success of e-NAM depends on marketing campaigns to let target client base (Farmers, FPOs and Traders) know about the portal and its offerings. Thus, a sizeable portion of time and resources are spent in marketing campaign of e-NAM by the Marketing Board. The Board is engaging with existing stakeholders and reach new ones via multiple mode of campaigning spreading information about uses and benefits of joining e-NAM. e-NAM brand building is done through banner and wall painting in and around mandi locations; video show, canopy, brochure distribution, one-to-one counselling and awareness sessions in groups at mandi level and Gram Panchayat level on e-NAM day (14th of every month) and on every Wednesday; articles on e-NAM in leading local newspapers etc. This apart, the board also regularly organizes farmer and trader felicitation program and has launches cash incentive schemes to promote trade on e-NAM. Regular review of mandi secretaries done by the board to guide them and get updates on progress made on the advertising front.
The aforesaid efforts are resulting in successful increase in e-NAM user base, who are regularly participating in the online trade to obtain various benefits of e-NAM; they also recommend and motivate other stakeholders to be active user of e-NAM.
Going forward, the State is planning for social media marketing, a form of digital marketing that leverages the power of popular social media networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Public, Sharechart, etc. The Board will also further heavily engage in traditional marketing that includes print advertisements (newspapers), and broadcasting (television and radio).
show lessRajasthan is a very progressive State in terms of crop producRead More
Rajasthan is a very progressive State in terms of crop production and is a major contributor to the National production for many important crops. The State has been successfully implementing multiple farmer welfare schemes; both State & Central Govt. schemes. The upbeat Department of Agriculture Marketing, for benefits of farmers during marketing of agricultural produce has installed grain cleaning and grading machines in e-NAM Mandis of Rajasthan. 111 mandis are now equipped with mobile sorting and grading units and 25 mandis are having static sorting and grading machines. Important food grains like Wheat, Bengal Gram, etc. grown in the State are cleaned and graded with these machines. The farmers are realizing better price on their cleaned and graded grains and the machines are also saving time and labour cost for the farmers.
show lessThe Department of Agricultural marketing has devoted itself wholeheartedly for Read More
The Department of Agricultural marketing has devoted itself wholeheartedly for the development of Agricultural Marketing. It is tirelessly working towards infrastructure development for agriculture marketing, post-harvest management, etc. The state is among the front runner States in adopting trending advance technology and digital solutions for proving better marketing opportunity to its farmers.
One of initiatives of the Department of Agricultural under e-NAM scheme is to install and operationalize 2 digital display boards in Pant Krishi Bhawan, 1 in Durgapura Agriculture office and 1 in Jaipur F&V Muhana Mandi for public viewing of live trade happening on e-NAM portal. Massive digital display boards are showing live trade info for better understanding to Public. This is helping both the parties (buyers and sellers) in taking informed decision on “whether to get or not to get into trade” on a given day, without being dependent on any third party for the pricing information. It is also helping in brining transparency in pricing information and judiciously analysing price trend based on authentic data. Department of Agricultural marketing is also planning to install display board in all 144 mandi in upcoming days.
show lessAwareness sessions on e-NAM for Farmers, Traders, Commission Read More
Awareness sessions on e-NAM for Farmers, Traders, Commission Agents and APMC Staffs were conducted during DMI events at Haryana on 8th & 9th Feb’22. The events were organized by Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board at Karnal APMC and Ambala APMC respectively. Key points of discussion during the event: Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure Scheme, Agmarknet Portal, Ten thousand FPO Scheme & e-NAM scheme. State coordinator-SP (e-NAM) explained about saliant features of e-NAM scheme & how it is beneficial for stakeholders, how to access multiple benefits on the portal and way forward, etc.
show lesse-NAM registered FPOs received appreciation at State level by Hon'ble CM of JRead More
e-NAM registered FPOs received appreciation at State level by Hon'ble CM of Jharkhand Sri Hemant Soren. The Program Organized by NABARD, at Project Bhawan on 23rd Feb’22. The CM handed over mementos to FPOs Ichak Green Agro Farmer Producer Company, Churchu Wadi FalSabji Producer Company Ltd, Barkagaon Pragatisheel Producer Company Ltd; these FPOs registered on e-NAM at Hazaribagh Mandi dated 12-08-2021, 29-02-2020 and 12-08-2021 respectively. As on date (25/02/2022), these FPOs have traded commodities worth Rs 46.45 lacs, 41.56 lacs, 20.08 lacs respectively. The major traded commodities: Paddy, Wheat, Watermelon, Tomato and Onion.
show lessConventionally due to assaying bottlenecks, farmers are not getting correct prices, traders are getting inappropriate products, exporRead More
Conventionally due to assaying bottlenecks, farmers are not getting correct prices, traders are getting inappropriate products, exporters are unsure of product acceptance and consumers are unsure of variety they are buying. With the High-tech Assaying Machine these issues are now being addressed at the mandi level in Rajasthan.
Following high-tech assaying machines are now available in APMC Mandis of Rajasthan:
Conventionally during manual grading, a farmer has to rely on someone else’s judgement to rate his/her produce. What if a farmer gets quality cerRead More
Conventionally during manual grading, a farmer has to rely on someone else’s judgement to rate his/her produce. What if a farmer gets quality certificate of his/her product every time instantly that can be shared with anyone sitting anywhere? Now high-tech Assaying Machines installed in e-NAM Mandis of Haryana has got the farmers’ back. They have to wait for a few minutes and they get exact result for the concerned produce.
Following high-tech assaying machines are now installed in APMC Mandis of Haryana:
Manual grading of agricultural produce is a time consuming and costly affair for farmers across the Country; the case is not different in the case Read More
Manual grading of agricultural produce is a time consuming and costly affair for farmers across the Country; the case is not different in the case of farmers of Gujarat. Here, the manually graded commodities lack uniformity across as well as within respective batches traded in the APMC mandis.
To address the issues, very recently, the game changing “Near-infrared (NIR) Spectrophotometer” has been introduced for scientific quality assaying of the crop produce (food grains) in APMC mandis of Gujarat. The State has procured 122 NIR Spectro-photometer. Spectro-photometer is an analytical instrument used to examine crop parameters such as water & oil content with very little sample preparation.
NIR machines are leading to better price realization for sellers due to better assurance on the product quality. The mandi staff complemented, “The scientific quality assaying increasing confidence of buyers- especially exporters.”Gujarat – the home state of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of Nation- is renowned for its farmer friendly policies and agriculture infrastructure. The State is a leading contributor in production of many important crops, and Gujarat State Agriculture Marketing Board has been continuously accelerating the pace of economic development of the farmers via brings the producers and consumers together through a series of activities. The current initiative of introducing NIR machines in Mandis of Gujarat is a stepping stone towards brining excellence in the Agricultural Produce Marketing.
show lessAPMC Hazaribagh, Jharkhand, organized felicitation program for the active Farmers, FPOs and Traders on Republic Day, 26th Jan 2022. On the occasionRead More
APMC Hazaribagh, Jharkhand, organized felicitation program for the active Farmers, FPOs and Traders on Republic Day, 26th Jan 2022. On the occasion, momentos and appreciation letters were distributed by the SDM of Hazaribagh, Sri Vidhya Bhusan Kumar.
FPOs Churchu Nari Urja Farmer Producer Company Ltd and Ichak Green Agro Producer Company Ltd, traders M/s Chandrawati Rice Mill, Shri Pappy Saw and M/s Jaiswal Oil and Spices and farmer Shri Sukhdeo Rana were felicitated with momento for their active trade participation on e-NAM platform. FPOs Dadi Sanyuk Gramin Producer Company Ltd., Katkamsandi Progressive Farmer Service Producer Company Ltd., Vanopag Farmer Producer Company Ltd., Churchu Wadi FalSabji Producer Company Ltd., Barsoti Agri Producer Company Ltd. and Atmanirbhar Katkamdag Farmers Services Producer Company Ltd. along with trader M/s Krishna Foods and farmers Shri Chhotelal Prajati and Shri Ajit Kumar Rana received appreciation letter for their active trade participation on eNAM platform. During the interaction with participants, SDM Hazaribagh encouraged them all to keep the pace in coming time also.
show lessThree days of “FPO Residential Training” organized for Board of Directors (BODs) of FPOs by NABARD on 4th Feb’22 at Hazaribagh Dist., JharkhaRead More
Three days of “FPO Residential Training” organized for Board of Directors (BODs) of FPOs by NABARD on 4th Feb’22 at Hazaribagh Dist., Jharkhand. BODs of 11 FPOs (9 from Hazaribagh & 2 from Chatra District), DDM (NABARD), Deputy Director (Horticulture), Project Director (ATMA), Nodal Officer, & State Coordinator (SP) attended the training session. Smt. Nisha Oraon, Director (Agriculture) Jharkhand, addressed the participants over a VC. Nodal Officer & State Coordinator (SP) took a session explaining the scheme and its benefits. Local case studies (FPO success stories) were presented to the participants during the session. The e-NAM presentation was followed by a Q&A session; questions on FPO registration process, trading and payment process, and key features as well as modules of e-NAM were addressed by the SP Staff.
show lessOn 06.01.2022, Cotton Crop got all time high price of Rs. 10,101/- per Quintal to Mr. Vanam Malliah, a Farmer from Chetla Mupparam ViRead More
On 06.01.2022, Cotton Crop got all time high price of Rs. 10,101/- per Quintal to Mr. Vanam Malliah, a Farmer from Chetla Mupparam Village, Nellikudur Mandal on e-NAM platform at Kesamudram APMC, Telangana. Wherein, the prevailing Average Price range were approx Rs. 8500/- to Rs. 9000/- in Private Purchases or other Non e-NAM Purchases. The said Farmer has brought 4.00 Quintals of Cotton to the Market.
The Farmers celebrated this event with cake cutting in presence of the Chairman, AMC Kesamudram and Regional Deputy Director of Marketing, Warangal. The event was covered extensively in the Regional News Channels and Newspapers. The Traders are vying with each other in purchase of Cotton through e-NAM.
The Trade figures dated: 06.01.2022 in Kesamudram APMC ,Telangana:
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Pilot initiative by Small Farmers’ Agri-Business Consortium, implementing Agency for National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) to promoteRead More
Pilot initiative by Small Farmers’ Agri-Business Consortium, implementing Agency for National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) to promote e-payment for e-NAM transactions namely “Kisan Protsahan Yojana” was launched in January 2022.
Rajasthan State introduced “Krishak Uphaar Yojna” to promote e-NAM trade & e-Payment. Under the scheme, for every sale bill generated, as well as e-payment of transaction worth Rs 10,000, a gift coupon will be issued to the respective farmer through SMS. The draw of gift coupons shall be done and result will be announced in every six months at Mandi level, Division level and in every year at State level.
show less03-Feb-2023 / 02:56 AM No. of Views : 895
Publisher : Agriculture Mktg. Dept. Govt. of AP
01-Feb-2023 / 04:00 AM No. of Views : 377
Publisher : Jharkhand State Agriculture Marketing Board
25-Jul-2022 / 03:31 AM No. of Views : 359
Publisher : Telangana
01-Feb-2022 / 01:00 PM No. of Views : 296
Publisher : Rajasthan
25-Jul-2022 / 03:15 AM No. of Views : 255
Publisher : Telangana
28-Apr-2022 / 05:40 AM No. of Views : 242
Publisher : Tamil Nadu
21-Feb-2022 / 01:26 AM No. of Views : 232
Publisher : Rajasthan
21-Feb-2022 / 01:15 AM No. of Views : 193
Publisher : Haryana
29-Mar-2022 / 04:35 AM No. of Views : 183
Publisher : Rajasthan
09-Jun-2022 / 02:54 AM No. of Views : 173
Publisher : Telangana