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Circulation of Revised National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) Operational
Guidelines. Click Here

New Operational Guideline of e-NAM is available in the resource section . To download , click here

Upcoming Training Schedule Link..

Click Here..



New 21 Mandis integration in Rajasthan.

21 new mandis added on eNAM in Rajasthan. Now total 1410 mandis are on eNAM.

MODEL GUIDELINES for Quality Control Laboratory at Mandis under e-NAM  - Click Here

New 56 Mandis integration in Tamilnadu.

56 new mandis added on eNAM in Tamilnadu. Now total 1466 mandis are on eNAM.



APMC means the Agricultural Produce & Livestock Market Committee established under the provisions of APLM Act.

Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) Yard / Regulated Market Committees (RMC) Yard is any place in the market area managed by a Market Committee, for the purpose of regulation of marketing of notified agricultural produce and livestock in physical, electronic or other such mode. -The place shall include any structure, enclosure, open space locality, street including warehouse/silos/pack house/cleaning, grading , packaging and processing unit pesent in the Market Committee of the defined market area.

Currently there are 1466 markets that are linked to the e-NAM network from 23 states and 4 UT's.

States (State Agriculture Marketing Boards) interested to integrate their APMCs /mandis with NAM are required to carry out following reforms in their APMC Act.

a) Single trading license (Unified) to be valid across the state

b) Single point levy of market fee across the state; and

c) Provision for e-auction/ e-trading as a mode of price discovery

Benefits from e-NAM for an APMC are :

-Free Software for System integration/ Automation of recording transactions

- Complete information on trade

- Real time arrival recording

- Analyze price trends, arrival and trading activities

- Automated record of financial information

- Reduction in man-power requirement
