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Circulation of Revised National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) Operational
Guidelines. Click Here

New Operational Guideline of e-NAM is available in the resource section . To download , click here

Upcoming Training Schedule Link..

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New 21 Mandis integration in Rajasthan.

21 new mandis added on eNAM in Rajasthan. Now total 1410 mandis are on eNAM.

MODEL GUIDELINES for Quality Control Laboratory at Mandis under e-NAM  - Click Here

New 56 Mandis integration in Tamilnadu.

56 new mandis added on eNAM in Tamilnadu. Now total 1466 mandis are on eNAM.


Commodity Quality

DMI has defined standard quality specifications for all the listed 219 commodities on e-NAM platform to be determined and certified. The major tradable paramaters to be tested are physical in nature.

There are no such penalities for the shortcomings in the quality of the produce. The premium quality or average or somewhat below average quality produce will be put in its respective testing range i.e range I or II or III. For more details kindly refer the commodity parameters list.
